RTMP Streaming Server

--Resource --

Rtmp - Cofigure

1 . Log into the instance via SSH

2 . Update the apt sources lists and upgrade the software already installed on the instance:

        apt update && apt upgrade -y 

3 . All required packages for the basic server configuration are available via APT. Install nginx and the required packages:

        apt install build-essential libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libssl-dev nginx libnginx-mod-rtmp ffmpeg -y

4 . Open the Nginx configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf in a text editor:

        nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

And add the following lines at the end of the configuration file:

        rtmp {
                server {
                        listen 1935;
                        chunk_size 4096;
                        notify_method get;
                        application live {
                                     on_publish http://localhost/auth;
                                     live on;
                                     #Set this to "record off" if you don't want to save a copy of your broadcasts
                                     record all;
                                     # The directory in which the recordings will be stored
                                     record_path /var/www/html/recordings;
                                     record_unique on;

This sets up the live streaming server as well as recording of the streams. These will be stored in the directory /var/www/html/recordings of the instance.

5 . Create the directory for recordings and make it writeable to the web server software:

        mkdir -p /var/www/html/recordings
        chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/recordings/

7 . Open the file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default in a text editor and add a location block to the server configuration:

        nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

libnginx-mod-rtmp does not support authentication by default. To avoid that anybody knowing the stream key may broadcast media, copy / paste the following content into the server configuration block, under the server_name block, to setup a basic authentication mechanism. It will ask for a password when streaming. If the password is not correct, the user will see a 401 - Unauthorized message:

        location /auth {
                if ($arg_pwd = 'a_secret_password') {
                    return 200;
                    return 401;

Replace a_secret_password with a secret password of your choice which authenticates against the server for broadcasting streams.

8 . Restart the Nginx web server:

        systemctl restart nginx.service
        netstat -an | grep 1935


--Facebook live streaming --
--RTMP Streaming Server - Debian --
--RTMP on Raspberry Pi --
--nginx + rtmp build streaming server --
--Telegraph --