No Space Left On Device Error (Linux) - xvda1 is 100% full, What is it? how to fix?



You are on a Xen VPS(or virtual machine); xvd* are simply the Xen disk storage devices (Xen Virtual block Device). They appear instead of sda, etc. when you are using the more efficient paravirtualized Xen disk drivers instead of straight-up SCSI disk emulation. If you list the installed modules (drivers) on a Xen HVM, this driver will show as blkfront (or xen_blk if you are running on a very old Xen version--pretty rare).

How to View Free Disk Space and Disk Usage From the Linux Terminal

  1. $ df
  2. $ df -BM (K, M, G, T, P, E, Z or Y - Block sizes )
  3. $ df -h (Human readable)

Find Which File cause this size issue

  1. $ df -h - (filesystem with sapce used and avilable)
  2. $ sudo du -shx /* | sort -h (to find which file is large)
  3. $ sudo du -shx /usr/* | sort -h

Delete Log files